Wednesday, 12 August 2009

A Few Months of Weather & Two Cracked Ribs

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 6:50 AM
[Working in the Ottawa offices today and Thursday]
Good morning everyone,
I will be found in the Distributel and 3Web offices in Ottawa for the next two days.
Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal will be warm on both days with a steady chance of rain today followed through to the weekend by an erie haze not unlike something from a Stephen King flick.
In a near reverse, Thunder Bay should be hazy today followed through to the weekend with buckets of rain.  Same thing in Edmonton and Calgary, but sans haze.  Try to stay dry.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:57 AM
[Working in the Ottawa offices today]
Good morning everyone,
I will be working in Ottawa today.  I will be found in both the Distributel and the 3Web office today.  Who knows, I may see you.
Ottawa should be a nice fall day with a bit of rain for those that would feel incomplete without it.
I woke up at 6:05 AM feeling bright and ready for a 7:00 AM flight, so barely had time to get dressed let alone establish some form of consciousness with weather patterns in other parts of the country, so you're on your own today.  Play it safe, dress for all forms of weather :)
Yes, I made the flight, but did a sub-standard job of shaving.
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Thursday, July 22, 2009 9:25 AM
And then I sensed the plane was not on it’s way to Calgary....
I knew something was up when the sun was on the right side of the aircraft.  It was another 10 minutes before the flight deck provided some news --the navigation computer was having difficulty.
We have returned to Toronto.  I do not know when I will be able to resume my trek to Calgary.  I will speak with the gate agent upon our return to the gate
I will let you know as I learn more.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Thursday, July 22, 2009 6:56 AM
[Working in the Ottawa 3Web office today]
Good morning everyone,
I will be working in the Ottawa 3Web office today and the Calgary 3Web office Wednesday and Thursday where I will be joined by Jacqui and Shannon.
Calgary today should be cool with thundershowers, drying and warning towards Thursday.
Thunder Bay will hover around room temp with clouds, rain into the foreseeable future.
Montreal and Ottawa should range from Kind of warm today to just warm with an excellent chance of rain on Wednesday and less chance today or Thursday.
Toronto should be some nice Autumn weather with some wind to blow the leaves away and some rain tomorrow.
Any more Distributel cities and my Blackberry keypad will wear out :)
(Edmonton is next)
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:50 AM
[Working in the Ottawa Distributel office today]
Hi folks,
I will be working in Ottawa today.
Rainy and humid in Ottawa, I have no stated opinion for anywhere else.
Have a good day.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Monday, July 20, 2009 8:07 AM
[Working in the Ottawa 3Web office today]
Good morning everyone,
I will be working in the 3Web office in Ottawa today, making a very brief showing in the Distributel office for a short meeting late morning.
John ___ is off on holidays this week from the Calgary office.
Dominique ___ is off on holidays for the next two weeks from the Montreal office.
Tom ___ is back from holidays in the Toronto office.
We have a new member in the accounting dept in the 3Web Ottawa office.  Marie ___ has replaced Tatyana ___ who has left to pursue other interests.
Should be a very comfortable low 20s in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal a little cloudy, a god chance of some scattered showers in Ottawa, less in Montreal and Toronto.  Calgary and Thunder Bay, cool, clear skies and dry.
Have a good day.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Monday, July 13, 2009 7:32 AM
[Working in the Ottawa 3Web office today]
Good morning everyone,
I will be working in Ottawa today at the 3Web office where the weather is likely to be rainy and a bit cool.
Have a good day.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 8:06 AM
Addendum: The hospital called me later that morning, turned out it was two cracked ribs.
[RE: Working in the Ottawa 3Web office today and Thursday]
Tx Bud, went to the hosp last night, I lifted a slice of ham and went into a massive chest crushing spasm.  Thought maybe I cracked a rib-- nope not rib is musculature, have some drugs.  Have a good day.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom
To: Daniel Puckett
Sent: Wed Jul 08 08:03:44 2009
Subject: RE: Working in the Ottawa 3Web office today and Thursday
Make sure you rest that back....buddy..... No lifting extraneous exercise. And have a safe trip
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 7:56 AM
[Working in the Ottawa 3Web office today and Thursday]
Good morning everyone,
I will be working in the 3Web Ottawa office for the next two days.
Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary all should expect cool temps with thunder showers-- leave your kites at home should be some lightning too. Thunder Bay should be cool cloudy and dry.
Have a good day.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:48 AM
[Working in the Ottawa 3Web office today]
Good morning everyone,
I will be working in Ottawa today at our 3Web office.
Should be there about 10:30.
Ottawa should be cool with a good chance of rain, Montreal same with an even chance of thunder showers, and Toronto has a better than average chance of thunder showers.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:51 AM
[Working in Montréal today, Ottawa tomorrow]
I will be out of the office today and tomorrow.  Today I will be working in Montreal and will not see any of you, but tomorrow I will be working in Ottawa and will see Kelly, Tatyana and Leona.
Have a good day.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:45 AM
[Working in Montréal today]
I will be working in Montreal today and in Ottawa tomorrow.
I expect both days in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal to bring clear skies, not a chance of rain and just scraping 30 degrees.
We should go swimming :)
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld -please excuse possible typos
Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:19 AM
[Working in Montréal today]
I bet it will be raining.
Have a good day, stay dry.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld -please excuse possible typos
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 9:21 AM
Good morning everyone,
I will be working in Toronto today, I needed to cancel my planned montreal visit to work on Cybersurf issues.
I understand it is a beautiful day in Montreal, I hope it is pleasant in Ottawa.
Sent from my BlackBerry handheld -please excuse possible typos
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 &:42 AM
And then in Ottawa tomorrow.
Should be a nice day in all three cities although Montreal will get some showers.
Have a good day.