Thursday, 4 August 2011

Working in Ottawa today --Oppose Intolerance!

Good morning folks, I will be working in Ottawa today.
47 years ago, Aug 4, 1964 Civil-Rights workers Andrew Goodman 21, James Earl Chaney 21, and Michael Henry Schwerner 25, were found.  Dead, buried in an earthen dam after being missing for a month and a half.
They had been slain by the Ku Klux Klan in Philadelphia, Mississippi on the first day of freedom marches and campaigning during the 'Freedom Summer'.  Only one individual was ever convicted.  40 years after the slaying, a part time minister and member of the KKK was convicted of manslaughter.
A reminder that extremism, be it political or religious or that extremely dangerous marriage of the two inevitably leads to suppression of peoples, promotes and institutionalizes intolerance, violence and bloodshed.
Have a good day, Promote peace and harmony, embrace moderation and tolerance.  And very important, become an opposition to those that don't.