Thursday 21 February 2013

Working in Ottawa today --Bullet in the chamber

Good morning folks,

I will be working in Ottawa today.

Outside of our solar system and about the size of our favorite moon orbiting a star a mere 210 light years away.  That's 1,234,511,250,000,000,000 miles away.  The moon is 5,558 miles in diameter.  And we saw it.  Or detected it.  Yes, NASA's Kepler Space Telescope was able to assist astronomers in detecting this incredibly faint hint of a planet now known as Kepler 37b.

In a related story, I had a hard time finding my keys this morning.


You may recall my posting about Oscar Pistorius and his way fast times in running the 400 meters on his carbon fibre blade runners (Oscar was born without fibulae).

Very few people get multiple reviews in my pulps..  yeah, there's Mayor Ford, but he makes it far too easy, and then there is Oscar.  First as bionic fast guy and now as accused murderer.  Damn.

Now we could get into a discussion of the merits of South Africa's case against him and speculate whether he beat up Reeva Steenkamp with a cricket bat and then shot her, or if her shot her first and then beat her up with the bat.  But let's not.

Instead, there are two other things we can focus on.  The first is one of very bad choice of ad copy.


Pistorius appears in a few Nike ads starting back in 2011 with the blade runner at the blocks with the dual caption, 'I am the bullet in the chamber' and 'Just do it'.

Ouch.  Yes, the ad has been pulled.  So does Nike just attract sport stars that are likely to cause them PR grief?  Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong or do the ads rely on sexual and violent overtones so frequently that as long as they use humans, so will such catch phrases back fire.

Hey, more on the Pistorius case..  seems the lead detective is up on charges on 7 counts of attempted murder.  Yeah, while chasing a suspect, Detective Hilton Botha is accused of being under the influence of alcohol and firing his service revolver 7 times at a minibus taxi.

Hmmm...  a drinking trigger happy cop investigating an accused murderer athlete, is this starting to sound like a re-run of Los Angeles from a few years back?

Have a good day.  Just do it.