Thursday 16 September 2010

Working in Ottawa today --Engineering Terrorists

Good morning folks,

I will be working in Ottawa today.

On the terrorism front, a curious footnote: Of the hundreds of individuals involved in political violence, nearly half of those with degrees have been engineers. This finding, first published in 2008, has been substantiated by two years of additional research by Oxford sociologist Diego Gambetta and political scientist Steffen Hertog, of the London School of Economics.

Interesting, a London School of Engineering study determined that the other half with degrees were in the field of economics :)

Have a good day, watch out for men wearing pocket liners and carrying sliderules.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld -- Envoyé de mon sans fil portatif BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Puckett
Sent: Mon Sep 13 16:44:34 2010
Subject: Away tomorrow

Hi Folks,

May 18 of this year I told you that I was taking a day off to play a round of golf.

Tomorrow I am doing it again.